
TRS Family Bowling and Sports Play for Kids with Disabilities

By Cobb PARKS December 27, 2023

The Cobb PARKS Therapeutic Recreation Unit (TRS) is looking to spend Friday nights with you and your family to enjoy the sport of accessible bowling ages 8+.  For more information, contact staff at 770-528-2569.  We have spots available, registration will end January 8th, so don't miss out.  To register, just click here or visit our webpage at and select "Register and Reserve" then filter to activity code:  34754.

TRS would like to also invite you to register for our "Sports Play" program presented by Kidokinetics.  This is a six-week class for kids ages 6-10.  It is especially adapted for kids with disabilities to work on balance, agility, and the elements involved in athletics.  To register, click here or visit our webpage at and select "Register and Reserve" then filter to activity code:  34755.