
The Globetrotters Score with Fans of All Ages!

Hosted Review

By Erin McLaughlin, Macaroni Kid Contributor March 23, 2017

You know what I find most amazing and captivating about the Harlem Globetrotters? It's how they reach across all age brackets and somehow entertain us all while still keeping it family friendly. You can't beat that in today's day and time. And... even though I remember watching them in utter fascination as a child - thirty years ago - for some reason it amazes me how the kids of today are just as in awe of them as I was as a child. I guess in a world full of agendas, kids growing up way too fast, and never knowing what


will bring, it still boils down to one thing - kids just want to laugh. Cyndi Lauper had it right when she sang, "Girls just wanna have fun," too because this Macaroni Mama had tons of fun this pas weekend watching the Globetrotters! The same tricks that worked on our parents, the entertainment that delighted you and I as kids, it still works on kids - and me - today. 

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Whether they're doing trick shots that amaze your future baller or someone's pants are falling down as they try to dribble downcourt, we're all still laughing at the same things we were in the 1940's, though the Globetrotters actually started playing together back in the 20's. Speaking of way back when... don't you Mac Mommies and Daddies remember watching them with Scoob and the Gang? I know I do!

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Luckily for us, the team is owned by Herschend Family Entertainment, the executive offices of which are based here in Atlanta. That means that when they come back home they want their Macaroni Kid fans to know about it! 

And, don't think this is just a show that you simply sit back and watch. You have that option; but, if that's what you desire then might I suggest you picking seats further from the court? Because our lovable Globetrotters looooove to flirt, be silly, and just overall be mischievous - anything to get us all laughing. If you really want to be in on the most fun then hurry and try to get the very closest seats possible. You never quite know if you'll become part of the entertainment yourself!

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So, grab the kids, do what I did - grab Granny and Grampa, and get yourself to the next Harlem Globetrotters event because they've proven for nearly a century, now, that they've got what it takes to entertain the entire family and have you coming back for more.

Erin was hosted in order to facilitate this review.  Any and all thoughts and opinions are her own.