
Holistic Moms Network

Phone: 7709060026
Business Hours: 8am-8pmEmail: westatlanta@holisticmoms.orgWebsite: Visit Website

Holistic parenting begins with an understanding and respect for how all living things are connected and how we impact one another; it, therefore, embraces green and non-toxic living, non-violent communication, and natural health. The Holistic Moms Network emphasizes community building and raising awareness, and welcomes parents wherever they are and whatever choices they have made. We are not a single-issue group, but a community that honors diversity and tolerance as we strive to do the best that we can each and every day. We believe there are 7 fundamental ideals for holistic parenting: 

1. Making informed and educated parenting decisions 

2. Seeking respectful and nurturing relationships with others 

3. Actively participating in our own healing process 

4. Balancing and integrating the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of being 

5. Teaching our children to respect and care about the natural world 

6. Limiting our children’s exposure to advertising, marketing, and a consumer-driven culture 

7. Living more simply and consuming less 

Please like and follow the West Atlanta Metro Chapter Facebook page for upcoming events and holistic content. 

We currently meet every 3rd Tuesday from 12:45 pm-2 pm at 201 W. Memorial Drive Dallas, GA 30132 (Dallas Family Chiropractic) in the heart of Downtown Dallas, GA.